Evolution Program & Purpose

  • Why has PFH introduced the Evolution program in conjunction with Hammers FH now?

    • First, because as Hammers FH has grown we can no longer guarantee every player who tries out a place on a team. Some players are on the brink of being skilled enough to play competitive travel with some additional training from experienced coaches.

    • Second, we have come to realize over the years as the sport has grown in our county that there are more players who would like the opportunity for higher-level training than what most of our awesome volunteer rec coaches and program can provide. These players aren't able to join a travel program because of either financial or time commitment challenges.  

    • Third, PFH knows that without junior varsity field hockey in Loudoun County High Schools that in some schools it's becoming harder to make the team in your freshman year.

  • Who can participate in Evolution?

    • Anyone can try out for the Evolution program as well as the travel program.  Just like the travel program, players are evaluated and offered a spot if the travel coaches see that the player is ready for the next level of training.  Some players may not be ready and would be encouraged to continue playing rec and try again in a future season.  Click here to register.

  • Can players register just for Evolution tryouts only?

    • Yes.

  • Will there be multiple tryout dates?

    • Not usually. If you cannot make the Hammers & Evolution tryout date and would like to request an alternate tryout, please contact us at info@potomacfieldhockey.org

    • Will players in Evolution practice with travel teams?  

    • It depends on the season and the space available. Evolution will have dedicated coaches to work with them. Travel players will not normally be in any of their drills.

  • Do Evolution players go-to travel tournaments?

    • There is no expectation of tournament play in Evolution.  We strongly encourage Evolution players to participate in rec hockey so they are still getting rec practice and rec gameplay.

    • If a travel team is a missing player(s) going into a tournament, it is possible that an Evolution player who is deemed to have sufficient skill and is ready for more competitive play may be invited.  

  • What happens to an Evolution player's rec team if she is invited to attend a tournament date in place of a missing Hammers player?

    • First, the coach inviting the rec league player will work with the Hammers Commissioner and the PFH Rec League Commissioner to make sure the player's Rec Coach is aware of the invitation.

    • Second, every effort will be made to make sure the player's rec team still has enough players for their rec league game including finding subs from another team to help out if they are short. 

  • Isn't it unfair to the rec team to pull an Evolution player causing them to miss playing in a game?

    • We know that while this will be rare that it can still be cause for concern.  It's similar to when a junior varsity player in high school gets called up to play in a varsity game.  This can happen in the regular season and the post-season.  Even though it's hard on the junior varsity coach and team, usually they are happy for the player and wish the player the best, especially if the player has been working hard to advance. 

  • Does PFH only run Rec as a pipeline to travel?

    • Absolutely not!  PFH runs rec because of the love of the sport and what sport does for youth.  We have had far more players in rec over the years who regardless of number of years played or skill level have never played in our travel program.  

    • We do encourage players who believe they are ready for more or who we see are skilled enough to consider travel to tryout for our travel club.  Players who elect not to play travel will always be welcome to continue in our rec league through high school.